Red Butt Soft Hackle by Jim
Tying the Peacock Red Butt Soft Hackleby Jim BurchetteMaterials: Hook: Green Caddis Outfitters model 251B barbless, sizes 12-16Thread: red 70 or 140 denier for the red butt tagThread: black 70 denier for the remainder of the flyWeight: small lead free wireRib: fine silver wireBody: peacock herlSoft hackle collar: Hungarian partridgeTying sequence:1. Secure the hook firmly in the tying vise jaws.2. Start the red thread rearward of the hook eye and wrap down the hook shank as a base for the lead free wire and on down the bend of the hook to create a red butt tag. Several layers of...
Pink Pookie Fly Pattern by Patricia
Pink Pookie Hook: GC231B sz 10 Thread: UTC 70 denier black Body: 2 mm foam. 1 each black & pink cut to the diameter of the hook gap Legs: FTD medium bug legs black Wing material: FTD PIP hot white Sight indicator: FTD PIP hot pink
Christmas Stimulator By Patricia
hook: 2312 sz 6 thread: vervus PB3 140 olive tail & wing: nature's spirit select cow elk in red body: semperfli white .2mm wire - uni floss 1 ply red thorax: superfine olive dry fly dubbing - Hoffman super saddle silver badger
WD-40 Fly Pattern By Patricia
hook: gc254b sz 14 thread: utc 70 denier olive tail: mallard barred flank; mayfly yellow thorax: utc 70 denier olive thread eye of the hook has superfine olive dubbing, wing case: mallard barred flank, mayfly yellow post: trouthunter cdc puffs, white
Red Emerger By Patricia
Patricia sent us a few of her latest creations using GreenCaddis hooks. Follow all of Patricia's creations on Instagram @flytyingtrout65 Red EmergerHook: gc254b sz 10Thread: veevus 14/0 blackTail end of the hook: gold tinsel wrapped a few times as an attractorThorax: red goose biotEye of the hook: red grizzly dry fly hackle